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呼吸阀系列 Breathing Valve


◎阻火呼吸人孔(GYXA500 600型) 呼吸人孔、防爆阻火呼吸人孔

GYXA500 600 Type Fire retardant breathing hole



Resistance fire breathing manhole is my factory according to the market demand,refer to the domestic and international advanced technology material developed by the patent products.ls installed in oil and chemical material storage tanks at the top of the safety emergency. Ventilation device,usually with resistance fire breathing valve supporting the use,can avoid the accident reason is caused a sharp overpressure or tank vacuum,damaged tank and accident;and can have safe fire resistance use ls the present domestic protect the safety of the storage tanks ideal device,the product has filled the gap in china.

Product USES all-weather sealing structure,with counterweight to adjust the in halation valve disc and discharge gland open/close to stainless steel corrugated band for the fireproof layer,to prevent the flame through,and a double drawer mouth,relace the fireproof layer for cleaning offer a convenient,shorten the time.all in all,this product has the constant pressure emissions,the constant pressure in haled,flexible,open and close the security fire resistance,compact structure,sealed performance is good,ann all reliable,etc.

◎技术性能 Technical performance


2、阻火等级:BS 5501:IIA级标准



◎产品结构 Product structure



In the normal breathing fire resistance work situation,resistance fire breathing manhole basic keep seal state,a tank under normal pressure.when the breathing valve normal work can't satisfy the accident reason is caused because of the store pressure tank sharp pressure,breathing manhole cover pressure relief automatic top open,make emergency pressure relief,that tank to keep normal pressure;when pressure tank or the vacuum pressure sharply,the suction valve and opened ln haled sharply atmosphere,maintain normal pressure tank;when in haled air with fire,fire,fire resistance of a to the wall effect action to prevent the fire in through the,in order to protect the safety of the storage tanks.

◎数据表 Data Sheet


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