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储罐附件系列 Storage Tank


Environmental protection type oil hole


The amount of oil hole at the top of the petroleum, chemical storage tanks, used to measure the elevation of the tank material, temperature, and sampling. Chemical materials with different levels of harmful odor, the measurement can not be discharged into the atmosphere. In order to complete the measurement procedures to ensure that the environment is not affected and the operation of the operational safety of workers, the amount of environmentally friendly hole will be able to play this role.


二、操作方法Operation method


Product is installed at the top of the tank, usually can absolutely sealed, first unscrew the need to measure the chemicals, pull out the measuring port seals, the narrow mouth measurement components on the middle of the superstructure tighten, and then press the middle sealing operationhandle, you can open the cylinder seals, the measurement scale can be measured from the top of the narrow mouth cracks stretching from the elevation of the level. Operation is completed first retract the handle, remove the measuring component, then add the seals tighten. If oil measurement, sampling, pull down the middle of the operating handle, open the top cover can be.

三、产品特点Product Features


Compact, safe and convenient operation, double-sealing device with anti-virus function can be used in     chemical tank, but also applies to the oil tank, applicable to a wide range.



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